Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: What's for Breakfast

(That third syringe is totally filled with chocolate syrup. Ahh, bribery.)


  1. Oh my! I feel for you girl. So do you give the chocolate syrup *before* the medicine (here sweetie, it will all taste like this) or *after* (now that you've had the icky stuff, here's a treat)?

  2. Oh wow! Nice photo layout. :) Congrats on your win - check out my blog! Go to my profile page and where it says Contact, you can email me your address, and I'll send it out! Thanks for playing!

  3. Love the syringe of chocolate syrup. I might be stealing that idea one of these days -- brilliant!

    Robin @

  4. awww, hate that sickness is over there too...
    last week was not the best...


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